↓ deutsch

Vanessa Graf (sie/ihr) ist Autorin und Forscherin am → Critical Media Lab Basel, wo sie im Rahmen der → MAKE/SENSE Graduate School an der → FHNW Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst an ihrem PhD-Projekt → Head in the Cloud arbeitet. Sie hat einen Bachelor in Politikwissenschaften von → SciencesPo Paris und einen Master in Medien- und Kulturtheorie von der → Kunstuni Linz. Derzeit ergänzt sie ihre Forschung mit einem Bachelor in Biologie (laufend) an der → Universität Salzburg.

In ihrer Forschung interessiert sie sich für die Wechselwirkungen von (digitaler) Technologie mit Kultur und Ökologie, insbesondere durch die Vermittlung durch Narrative, Metaphern und soziotechnische Imaginationen. Ihre Arbeiten wurden mehrfach ausgestellt, u. a. beim → Ars Electronica Festival und der → Biennale Warszawa, und sie hat zahlreiche Preise und Stipendien für ihre Forschung und literarische Arbeit erhalten.

↓ english

Vanessa Graf (she/her) is a writer and researcher at the → Critical Media Lab Basel, where she is working on her PhD project → Head in the Cloud as part of the → MAKE/SENSE graduate school at → FHNW Academy of Art and Design. She holds a Bachelor in Political Science from → SciencesPo Paris and a Master in Media and Culture Studies from → University of Art and Design Linz. Currently, she is supplementing her research with a Bachelor in Biology (ongoing) at → University of Salzburg.

In her research, she is interested in the interactions of (digital) technology with culture and ecology, in particular as mediated by narratives, metaphors, and sociotechnical imaginaries. Her work has been exhibited on several occasions, such as at the → Ars Electronica Festival and → Biennale Warszawa, and she has received numerous prizes and scholarships for both her research and literature.

↓ zum lesen (deutsch)

Bad Verhaun, nachzulesen in der → Rampe 2022/1 zum Anlass der Talentförderungspremie Literatur des Landes Oberösterreich

mare nostrum, ausgezeichnet mit dem → Förderpreis der Literaturbiennale FLORIANA 2020, nachzulesen in der → Rampe 2021/1

genauso schwarz wie hier, ausgezeichnet mit dem → Förderpreis der Rauriser Literaturtage 2020, nachzulesen im → Salz 180/181

Die Alpen: Energielieferant und Datenbunker, Gastbeitrag im → DerStandard

Lokal und digital: Feldforschungen im digitalen Wolkendunst, Portrait im → DerStandard

Die Systeme von Vanessa Graf, Portrait in der → Referentin

↓ material internet field kits

Counter-mythologies to the lore of the disembodied Cloud. The material field kits are repositories of images, doodles, stories, photographs, maps, and field notes, adding to a growing imaginary of digital technology beyond the idea of an ever-present, ubiquitous, immaterial Cloud. Always rooted in specific places, they are tours of local infrastructures as well as fantastic(al) collections of cables, landing sites, antennas, and data centers.

→ → → Material Internet Field Kit: Linz at the Ars Electronica Festival

→ → → Material Internet Field Kit: Warsaw commissioned by/exhibited at the Biennale Warszawa

↓ the symbiotic net

The Symbiotic Net argues that by approaching the internet through its local, physical instances, it becomes possible to address its environmental impacts and find ways to design a more regenerative, careful, and responsive medium.

The town of Linz, Austria, serves as an entry point to a reflection on the global internet and shows how regional initiatives, projects, and activists are working to create and impact a more ecologically and socially just Internet. The book is based on a variety of interviews and field visits,and presents a look at local infrastructures, people, and environments who are working towards a more response-able Internet, one small server at a time.

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